This groundbreaking 93 debut by the East Coast hip-hop collective Wu-Tang revolutionized the genre with its kung-fu samples, multiple aliases and genius production by RZA. Consisting of nine talented emcees, Enter The Wu Tang (36 Chambers) offered the first glimpse at a self-contained culture that spun its own symbols and shifting identities into hip-hops alternative as well as a half…
This seminal 93 release from East Coast hip-hop collective Wu-Tang changed the face of the genre with its kung-fu infused samples, multiple alias, and genius production from RZA. A supergroup of nine skilled emcees, Enter The Wu Tang (36 Chambers) opened a window into an unprecedented self-contained culture, one comprised of its own diverse symbols,…
This groundbreaking 93 debut by the East Coast hip-hop collective Wu-Tang revolutionized the genre with its kung-fu samples, multiple aliases and genius production by RZA. Consisting of nine talented emcees, Enter The Wu Tang (36 Chambers) offered the first glimpse at a self-contained culture that spun its own symbols and shifting identities into hip-hops alternative as well as a half…
Peak Vinyl LP: Single LP on natural black swirl color vinyl in standard jacket w white sleeve. The daring duo of Jenn Wasner and Andy Stack, who have been performing as Wye Oak since 2006, are venturing into new, uncharted territory with their upcoming collection Every Day Like the Last: Collected Singles 2019-2023. Embracing the…
The band s debut album out on vinyl for the very first time (recorded when they were both teenagers)! Ltd edition color version on red & white splatter vinyl. Tracklist 1 Please Concrete (3:12) 2 Warning (3:45) 3 Regret (2:25) 4 Archaic Smile (5:04) 5 Family Glue (4:14) 6 Orchard Fair (3:42) 7 I Don t Feel Young (3:01) 8 Keeping Company (3:52)…
Five songs on opaque hot pink vinyl housed in a clear plastic sleeve printed with white ink. Plays at 45 RPM. Does not include a download coupon. +++ No Horizon, the new EP from Wye Oak, is the latest offering and sound of a project plumbing the depths of an “evolve or die” ethos. For multi-instrumentalists…
Wye Oak – The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs Standard LP: Single LP on black vinyl in gatefold sleeve. Includes 12 x12 printed insert. Includes coupon for full download Peak Vinyl LP: Single LP on beige and blue half and half ( sand and sky ) vinyl in same packaging as standard LP. Includes coupon…
The word “tween” implies a certain, very specific kind of awkwardness, and those implications are rarely positive. But think about it like this: Something “tween” is in the process of becoming something else, and there’s a very specific kind of beauty in that becoming. There’s something rewarding in recognizing and celebrating it—in meeting it halfway….
Limited edition screen-printed poster SUPPORT: Pattern is MovementVENUE: Urban LoungeSIZE: 19 x 25 COLORS: 2 NOTES: Created for the July 18th, 2014 performance in Salt Lake city.
Extra D20: Unlike the standard 7-piece sets, ours includes an additional 20-sided die with HYMGHO LOGO on 20 for even more fun and versatility. Elegant Bold Numbers: The elegant bold font adds a touch of luxury and ensures easy readability. High-Quality Polyresin: Crafted from durable polyresin, these dice are built to last through countless campaigns….
Extra D20: Unlike the standard 7-piece sets, ours includes an additional 20-sided die with HYMGHO LOGO on 20 for even more fun and versatility. Elegant Bold Numbers: The elegant bold font adds a touch of luxury and ensures easy readability. High-Quality Polyresin: Crafted from durable polyresin, these dice are built to last through countless campaigns….
Extra D20: Unlike the standard 7-piece sets, ours includes an additional 20-sided die with HYMGHO LOGO on 20 for even more fun and versatility. Elegant Bold Numbers: The elegant bold font adds a touch of luxury and ensures easy readability. High-Quality Polyresin: Crafted from durable polyresin, these dice are built to last through countless campaigns….
Extra D20: Unlike the standard 7-piece sets, ours includes an additional 20-sided die with HYMGHO LOGO on 20 for even more fun and versatility. Elegant Bold Numbers: The elegant bold font adds a touch of luxury and ensures easy readability. High-Quality Polyresin: Crafted from durable polyresin, these dice are built to last through countless campaigns….
Extra D20: Unlike the standard 7-piece sets, ours includes an additional 20-sided die with HYMGHO LOGO on 20 for even more fun and versatility. Elegant Bold Numbers: The elegant bold font adds a touch of luxury and ensures easy readability. High-Quality Polyresin: Crafted from durable polyresin, these dice are built to last through countless campaigns….
Extra D20: Unlike the standard 7-piece sets, ours includes an additional 20-sided die with HYMGHO LOGO on 20 for even more fun and versatility. Elegant Bold Numbers: The elegant bold font adds a touch of luxury and ensures easy readability. High-Quality Polyresin: Crafted from durable polyresin, these dice are built to last through countless campaigns….